Behind the Scenes: A day in life of QA

Rojina Ghimire
2 min read

Ever wondered how we make sure your favorite games Marriage Card Game and CallBreak Legend and others, run smoothly? Well, let's give you a peek into our world of Quality Assurance (QA).  We are constantly doing our best to find all of those pesky bugs and give a trauma to our developers(only sometimes). Moreover, the main goal is to make each gameplay activity as seamless as possible for our users.

What Are Our Approaches?

We use both manual and automated testing. In our manual testing approach, we play the games (tough job, we know), but we are always on the lookout for anything that does not feel quite right. Meanwhile, our automation framework runs in the background to catch any sneaky issues that might have slipped through.

Did You Know the Secret?

We all hate when a gaming app consumes too much of our battery. Here at Bhoos, we even keep track of the battery percentage while playing. We make sure that the battery drained by our games are minimal. By doing this, we try to optimize performance and also keep our user hooked for a longer time. 

How Is Automation Testing Done at Bhoos?

Since Bhoos is all about mobile applications, we use Appium along with TestNG to build our automation framework, which is written entirely in Java. This framework runs to generate an Extent Report, which provides detailed information about the test cases executed. It includes the time taken to run each test case, and it makes it easy to visualize which cases passed or failed. 

Insider news: We are also preparing a new automation framework for our Marriage Card Game!

Meet the Guardians of Your Gaming Experience

Our QA team is like a group of super-dedicated gamers with a mission. We are not just playing games all day (though that's definitely a perk!). We are on a quest to catch any sneaky bugs or glitches before they can ruin your fun. Here's what keeps us busy:

  • Testing New Features: Every time we add something cool and new to the app, we put it through its paces.
  • Checking Updates: We work closely with our developers, making sure their latest updates are up to snuff.
  • Creating Test Scenarios: We come up with all sorts of scenarios to test, trying to think of every possible way you might use the app.
  • Playing... a Lot: We test manually and use some nifty automated tools to cover all our bases.

A Day in the Life of a Bhoos QA Tester

So, what does our day look like? Well, it starts with us diving deep into any new features or changes. We brainstorm all the ways we can test these updates thoroughly. Then, we get to work!

We recursively play games, and watch out for any extraordinary things going around.

If we do find a bug, we don't just shrug and move on. We report it, work with our developers to squash it, and then test again to make sure it's really gone.

Our End Goal

At the end of the day, what we're really doing is making sure that when you open any game by Bhoos, you can jump right in without a worry. Whether you are aiming for a double win in Call Break or Man Card Tunnela in Marriage Card Game, we want your focus to be on the game, not on any technical hiccups. And if you do encounter any issues with our games, don't forget to report them to our team through the app's report section, or at

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