User Friendly Campaign - Hotspot in Marriage
Over the years, mobile gaming has become more than just individual gameplay experiences; it now revolves around creating vibrant, interconnected communities. With social media platforms as a daily routine for almost everyone, Gaming Companies have started using these platforms to build communities.
On October 11, 2023, we ran a campaign centred around the hotspot feature in our Marriage Card Game. The campaign unfolded in two phases, and in this blog, we will understand the campaign, its narrative and if we were able to meet the set goals. The blog will reveal not only our strategic approach but also how user feedback played a pivotal role in our success.
Our mission was to spotlight the hotspot feature, creating awareness and a vibrant community around it. With the festive seasons around the corner, it was the perfect opportunity to launch the campaign, as card games and festivals go hand in hand in Nepal. Our approach was clear: to make our users play Marriage Card Game with their friends and families and bond over in Hotspot. We also wanted our users in Hotspot to rise from 3400 (in September ) to 10,000. But our main goal was to cultivate an immersive and engaging experience for our players, the increasing number of users would be a great by-product.
Phase 1: Setting the Stage (October 11 - October 17)
The first phase was clear: we had set a promotion in the mobile app itself, and the gift was that 12 lucky users would get 365 diamonds, which is the in-app currency to play the game. The catch was that players had to upload a screen recording or a screenshot of a game played in the Hotspot Feature in our Community Page. We opted for Nepali and English Language as A/B testing, as we believed many of our users came from backgrounds that understood the Nepali language better than English. As expected, the clicks on the campaign posters in Nepali Language were a lot more than that in English.

Out of almost 6,050 who clicked the button, only 40% had joined the community, and in a week, we had become a family of 2400 Marriage Card Game-loving users. We started posting content in Nepali in the community group and were getting a lot of responses, engagement and feedback as well. For the first phase, we chose 10 users whose posts were valid, and phase 1 of the campaign ended.
Phase 2: A Treat to Our Users (October 17- November 20)
At the end of Phase 1, our family had already grown to include more than 2,400 users, a testament to the enthusiasm and engagement within our community. Fueled by this growing support, we launched Phase 2. This phase was more exciting as we asked users to post their videos/selfies playing in the hotspot mode in the Community. The prize, however, was a dinner treat for 5 users and two of their family members. The prize was set to celebrate family bonds as we want to preach with Bhoos Games. For the promotion inside the app during Phase 2, we introduced four posters, each designed to resonate with our diverse user base. Two posters were crafted in English And the other two were curated in Nepali.

The number of clicks rose , and the response was higher with the Nepali-language posters. And as a result we became a family of 4600 users in the community. The Nepali-language posters not only attracted attention but also drove meaningful engagement. Amidst the campaign, we realized users were reluctant to post videos/ selfies on the community page. We also could not see any big changes in the number in Hotspot Daily Active Users in the Hotspot Feature. To tackle the issue, we decided to talk to the users themselves and understand the reasons. We had the opportunity to learn and came back stronger.
Turning Numbers into Success Stories

The campaign's tangible success was measured not just in numbers but in the narratives of our players. We had begun with a goal to increase hotspot users to 10k and saw a remarkable surge, with an impressive 7,500 users actively engaging with the feature. The number of games also had a rise by 10.3%. The numbers are also stories, stories of joy, discovery, and shared moments within the Marriage Card Game community. At the end of the campaign we announced five users who would get an opportunity to have a dinner treat with two of their family members.