First Learning Session with Smart People!

Saakshi Baheti
2 min read

We hosted our very first interactive physical session on 12th April 2022 at the Bhoos premises. With the presence of 12 tech enthusiasts, we had a wide spectrum of different approaches laid on the table, mostly related to the dashboard essentials.

The agendas for the session were:

  • walking through Dashboards tools,
  • learning all tips and tricks related to the CallBreak game,
  • followed by non-stop queries and feedback from our smartians.

The session started with exploring the Sandbox and Dashboard details in brief by Kushal Ingam, which was then followed by learning some Call Break tricks by Pratik Thapa.

The Smart family members who attended the event were quite diligent and had prepared all necessary questions to ask in their minds.

A two-hour-long discussion with them was very competent and reflective. The issues and feedback brought up by them were implemented soon after. Well, it was quite a reflection for us too as we incorporated many other features for participants.

Dashboard Recent Updates:

Bot Performance Evaluation

It tracks bot deeds. A team can compare their bot with others.

Team Performance Comparision
Analyze your bot with respect to others.

Score Calculation optimized.

Dhoos = 2 * 3 * 5 * 1000 = 30,000 (calculated separately for each bot, 3 dhoos per round, 5 round per game, 1000 game)

Chicken = 7 * 2 * 5 * 1000 = 7,000 (8 possible score, 1 bid, won 8. So, 7 possible points lost. 10 chicken score = 1.0 score)

Reckless = 2 * 5 * 1000 = 10,000 (calculated separately for each bot, all round self-dhoos, 5 rounds per game, 1000 games)


Score, Dhoos, Chicken, Reckless points are added to the "Game Analytics" graph to analyze the bot.

Analyze your bots
Examine your bot's moves.


Our bot's id and the dealer is now randomized however, the player position is always on the bottom.

The starter code for node and python is now available on Github itself.

After the game has ended, results and points are printed as well.

In the context of APIs

It sends context in each API call (added hands won info as well)

API details are added to Sandbox for easy convenience of the participating teams.

PlayerId and PlayerIds are also present in all calls (playerId is always unique so you can find out the current index by checking against playerIds)

That's how we marked the first physical session of our very Smart Bots Coding Challenge.