May the bots be in your favour!

Saakshi Baheti
3 min read


Nepal is a country with too much energy in too little space, especially in the tech sector. While some leave for better pay, others do so for more exciting work.

And while this is not a situation that is going to change overnight, here are two things that can provide our brightest minds to reconsider:

~ More product companies targeting the global market. This means more exciting work and better pay.

~ Young people with the confidence and patience that they can build scalable and globally competitive products.

Smart Bots Coding Challenge is a small step in that direction. We have deliberately focused exclusively on technology as we believe that scalable technology is at the core of all globally competitive products.

And we are overwhelmed to receive 442 registrations.

442 Registrations in Smart Bots Coding Challenge
A great head start to begin with!

Our Contribution

After major brainstorming, we came up with an idea to build a dashboard for our Smart Bots Coding Challenge. The Dashboard is a place where each team identifies themselves uniquely. Team profile, Game Analytics, Leaderboard, and Docker Submission are some of the core aspects of the Dashboard.

Here's a walkthrough of our Smart Bots Coding Challenge dashboard.


Home is fundamentally the first tab to appear when a tech enthusiast logs in to the Dashboard. The major components of this tab are countdown to the specific challenge phases, leaderboard and stats related to a team's performance. To sum up, it's a summary of a team's performance over others.

Home tab
Home tab is a place to analyze the performance.


Before getting into the race, a slight warmup is reasonably necessary. With the same feelings, we introduced the Sandbox. It's a place where a team checks and runs their drafts of the bot. It is a haven as games played in Sandbox do not run for rankings.

SandBox tab
Sandbox tab helps to check the bot before entering the Qualifiers

Docker Submission

As earlier said, we would never ask for the bot's source code. Here's the solution to run a team's code on our server - docker image. A docker submission of their code does not reveal a team's source code; however, it still runs.

This tab also has docker samples for a better understanding of the docker file.

In other words, docker submission is the first step in moving into Qualifiers Round. Once a team submits the docker file, the code will run for rankings if everything goes well(no errors encountered).

Docker Submission Tab
The Docker Submission tab lets a team upload a docker file.


The leaderboard exposes each competitor's rankings with their Reckless(bidding higher than ideal bid), Chicken(bidding lower than ideal bid) and Dhoos(number of times other bots don't achieve their bids) scores.

It is a tab where a team analyzes their bot compared to others. It gives a sense of understanding as to where to improve the code. Well, the goal of each tech enthusiast is obviously to remain in the top 8 slots.

Leaderboard Tab
Leaderboard tab ranks the best bot in order

Game Analytics

The most accomplished tab of our Dashboard indeed. It is also here to show the transparency between the participants and us. We would be lying if we say that this was the least time-consuming thing to build.

Game Analytics aims to view the game history (1000 games played after docker submission), view game data, and analyze where the code went wrong.

When the participant clicks on a game, the tab will Play, Pause, Fast Forward a game, and every bot's deeds.

Game Viewer
Game Viewer 

We are quite happy to build the Dashboard with the help of our interns (Manjeet Shrestha, Yashaswe Amatya and Pragya Shakya). This challenge has also been a phase where we have dived deep into learning, designing, implementing, and deploying.

Learning still prevails with chaos.

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